Legal Notice
Ok Job SA Website
The following general terms and conditions (GTC) apply to the use of the Ok Job SA website by the job seeker (hereinafter referred to as the “user”) to register and create their own account using an email address and password, and to submit personal documents (Curriculum Vitae, Certificates, etc.).
By using our site, the user accepts the following conditions in their entirety and without modification:
- All data entered on our Site is stored in the Ok Job SA database, treated strictly confidentially, and not disclosed to third parties except when necessary for the placement of the registered individual.
- The registered individual declares to authorize Ok Job SA to transmit their data to other agencies or legally independent business partners, as well as to request opinions and references from former employers. I have been informed that this consent can be withdrawn at any time by a simple notice from me.
- I expressly authorize Ok Job SA to archive my entire file and authorize, if necessary, the retention of this file until claims arising from possible employment relationships or any other obligations are time-barred.
- The user is solely responsible for the content of their registration and the data they submit to the Ok Job SA site. They guarantee the accuracy and timeliness of the information.
- Ok Job SA guarantees the free nature of any registration. Therefore, it does not levy any registration fees or placement commissions on the user.
- The Ok Job SA website is protected by copyright. Any modification of its content is prohibited in all cases. It is also prohibited to reproduce or use the said site for profit, private, or commercial purposes. In the case of software downloads and/or other information downloads or processing in any other way, Ok Job SA retains ownership rights.
- The name “Ok Job SA” and its logo are protected as trademarks. Ok Job SA does not grant any license or right to use its images, registered trademarks, or logos on its website.
By registering and creating an account on the website, I agree to the processing of the following personal data:
I declare to authorize the trust company managing Ok Job SA, namely REALISATOR AG, to use and store my personal data (e.g. name/first name, address, employment contract, salary statements). I have been informed that this consent can be withdrawn at any time by a simple notice from me. I expressly authorize Ok Job SA and/or REALISATOR AG to archive my entire file and authorize, if necessary, the retention of this file until claims arising from possible employment relationships or any other obligations are time-barred. By my signature, I agree to receive my salary statements via email and certify that all the information I have provided is complete and accurate.
- Authorization for the Processing of Personal Data. With the revised Data Protection Act (nLPD), the principles according to Art. 6 nLPD must be respected when processing personal data. From September 2023, explicit consent is required for the processing of sensitive data (e.g. health-related data or application photos on which the origin or ethnicity could be recognized) as well as in the case of high-risk profiling (Art. 6 para. 7 letters a and b nLPD).
- Data Transmission & Request for References. The Employment Service Ordinance also requires written consent for the processing of data in the following cases (placement: Art. 19 para. 1 ESO; service leasing: Art. 47 para. 1 ESO) when: 1. data about job seekers and vacancies are transmitted to other agencies or legally independent business partners of the company 2. opinions and references about job seekers are requested 3. data about job seekers and vacancies are transmitted beyond the country’s borders
- Retention of Candidate Data. For the retention of candidate data that has not (yet) resulted in a placement or service leasing, for example, if the application file is stored in the database for an additional year, the candidate’s consent is also required.
- Access to Personal Data on Request. Each temporary employee (TE) has the right to obtain information about the data processed concerning them (Art. 25 nLPD – the so-called right of access). They can request their data in a commonly used electronic format (Art. 28 nLPD).
Our Commitments
“Effective human resource management involves a clear and precise definition of the company’s needs, as well as good planning of its medium- and long-term personnel requirements.” With the acquired experience, OK Job supports its clients in the search for skills by guaranteeing professionalism, proximity, and industry expertise.